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Do you have room air conditioners in any of the buildings you own or manage?


If so, walk over to one of them and feel the plastic front or metal sleeves.  If it's even a little windy outside, you'll probably notice a draft coming from that unit.  What do you suppose it's like in the winter?


That draft and metal housing is costing you hundreds or thousands of dollars in heat loss every winter.  In addition, it's probably lowering the comfort level in every apartment.


This literature describes a product that will drastically reduce or eliminate that window or wall room air conditioner "hole-in-the-wall" problem. The product is the Warm-In's, model of the inside room A/C cover that feature a solid wall mounting system for a secure fit and a positive weather-strip seals against air infiltration.


The choice is clear the original Warm-In cover is of a one-piece and molded construction.   It’s a low cost solution to an energy loss problem.  So affective it will pay for itself in one heating season.  The WARM-IN is tested and field-proven product that is already in use in more than 30,000 homes and apartments across the country.  (FmHA and HUD Consolidated Supply Contract Number PA (PS)-16)



Now is the time to think about getting those air conditioners properly covered before the cold winds start to blow!  Please feel free to contact us if you have further questions, or wish to order covers.

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